

I'm appalled. Its hard to explain how unbelievably confused and angry I am right now. So I'll just explain what happened and let you figure it out for yourself.

Today I went to my sculpture class, since my teacher has okay'd my revised sculpture plans (which make my sculpture literally just a box) I have a lot of free time in the class. So I asked if I could either go to ceramics and work or work on my wood sculpture. After a rather embarrassing response, the professor sent me on my way to work on my wood sculpture.

My wood sculpture is a set of wooden rings glued together. I'm currently using an air dremel to remove the hard edges and to shape the piece.
An air dremel is like a flux shaft but its powered by compressed air. At the VAA ("the lab/studio") we hook it up to our air line from the building. Because I'm removing so much of the wood I'm using the roughest bit we have.

This isn't the bit I was using, but its similar. I was using one that looked like this but it wasn't smooth, its covered in metal chunks all with sharp edges. Anyway, it takes a long time to dremel the wood just how I need it, and because of the vibrations and the lengthy use my hands become sore and tire quickly. Which my goggles on and a dust mask protecting my mouth, I begin to dremel away. Going over the surface of the wood and the edges to make sure I can get the ridges that I want. The air dremel, when in use, makes a load whistling noise from the air escaping through the internal chambers. It sounds just like a dentists drill (as they are both forms of air powered rotary tools and pretty much the same thing). So I also put headphones in while I work.

While I was working on this woodsculpture I feel something hit my foot. I didn't think anything of it. Then a piece of clay hit my leg and another one collides into the side of the dremel tool. Which is then jerked out of my hand, but thankfully it didn't roll down either of my arms or legs. As that would have completely shredded the first few layers of skin. When I was in 3D foundations I had an air dremel jerk off a scultpure I was working on and roll up my thumb and over my right hand. It was terrible, and as its just a bunch of little abbrasions, the amount of them was were the real pain came from.

When I looked up to see who could have been so unaware what they were doing, the entire class was playing the "lets pretend we didn't see anything" game. Without saying anything I just cleaned up my mess and left class immediately.

Maybe i'm over reacting. But ... you just don't throw something at someone whose using a power tool. It doesn't matter what kind of power tool either. I don't know who threw the clay, or if it was several people, all I know is that they should have known better. Where's the common sense?

Am I wrong?

1 件のコメント:

Daniel さんのコメント...

People always suck. The way I get by with the innumerable stupidity is mostly to ignore it.

That, and the murderin'.