
Snowflake Choler

So... Where do I begin?
The semester has finally collapsed in on itself. I managed to make it out with a photo (literally) finish. I have two more classes left to teach at the Multi Arts Center. And I'm completely worn out. My hands ache a lot and my skin is dry and cracked. My feet are calloused and my back is filled with pain. But so far, its all been worth it. I ended the semester with a personal studio, a kick wheel (which I made) and an electric kiln on the way. I'd say I did okay.

My jobs have so far been okay, but at one... we have a little issue. Its one of those day crew night crew issues. Where the day crew has no idea what the night crew does so they assume the worst and vise versa. But the manager of the department (who obviously is the queen bee of the day crew) seems to use ridiculous means to try and prove a point. For example: I was just written up for not filling in a zone hole and checking it on the closing check list. So let me explain what filling a zone hole means. Its when we have a special table with books all over them for sale.
well if we run out of one, we have to replace it with another book so that the table looks full all the time. But, the book has to follow the sale, it can't just be a random book that we think will sell. So if you don't have anymore books to fill the holes you have to arrange whats there to even it out. So ... a zone hole can almost be any variable as long as the table is missing a book. It could also mean that if the books gone, you can keep the same amount of books on the table yet make it look like its not suppose to have another book. Does that makes sense to anyone?
Now for the closing checklist. This is a list we've had to mark off every night for the past year and a half I've worked at this book store. Its a simple list of chores and areas of interest that we are suppose to clean/arrange/straighten and then check off. Yet, we get in trouble if we clean an area then go check it off before going back to clean another area. They say that takes up to much time. So we do whats logical, close everything down the way we were trained (if you were lucky enough to get trained) and then check everything off the list. Does that not make sense to you? Well I check a box of a job that does itself and got in trouble for it.

This is how the Lich Queen runs her paper kingdom.

:: sighs ::
Okay, I feel better.

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